Wednesday, April 25, 2018

God Shouts in Our Pains

I watched my daughter go through weeks of testing and severe pain only to be told that they won't do anything until she meets with her GI specialist... next month. She has fought so hard, endured so much, and it honestly feels like no one will help her in her very well documented battle to survive.

The familiar feelings of rage and fear arise within and I try to distract myself with a book or a TV show.  Surely something will help.  I have prayed and prayed and watched this vibrant, quirky, intelligent, beautiful twenty-four year old girl get worse and worse.  I suddenly understand why people question the goodness of God, when suffering is in your face like this.  The images in the news containing war and famine seem so far away from our daily reality.  When others question why God allows suffering, I can give the "It's a fallen world" answer.

I thought the hardest thing I would ever deal with was being cheated on.  Then I thought the hardest thing I would ever endure was a divorce.  Then I thought being a single mom was pretty difficult. I thought unemployment was torture. Then I thought the most difficult thing ever was watching a child be abused and spending years trying to fight for her to be safe. I thought God had put me through the times that I didn't think I could endure.  I thought, foolishly, as if I had a testimony already.  I didn't expect everything to be without pain and suffering, but I did feel as if my family had had more than their fair share of issues.  But, life doesn't work like that.  God doesn't work like that.

When it is your child, your perception changes.  When it is your child, the fear is raw and physical. And it would be tough to endure if the many "experts" were doing their utmost to help, but the knowledge that the doctors really have no empathy and are content with watching the suffering in a young woman is a horrifying display of exactly how cold our system has become.  Last October we were told she wouldn't make it until January when she was supposed to have a needed surgery.  It is now April, and she still hasn't had the surgery.  She has beaten the prediction, but it has not been an easy time.

It is a brutal world at times, and I will take the love and grace and warmth where I can find it. The cold, hard truth is that many around us don't see the reality of the daily walk through pain.  They don't see the tears of pain that come after eating even the most basic meal.  They don't see the pill bottles and needles, the near daily trips to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions.  The doctor bills don't come to their mailbox; piles bound together with rubber-bands by the mail carrier so they don't get lost.  They haven't carried a grown woman to the car for a trip to the hospital because she is too weak to walk.  They don't hear the attending physician walk into an ICU waiting room and treat a young woman as if she just isn't trying hard enough.  Their ego couldn't look at the medical records that are the size of several large phone books, and that is only the last four years.

I have questioned God on if I will have to say goodbye, with tears streaming down my face and my heart in a vise.  The girl has stated that, if something doesn't happen soon to change things, she doesn't think she will be here much longer.  There are those that know what this does to a mother, to a family, to hear these devastating words from a young lady that feels as if her body can't keep experiencing this trauma.  I can't imagine life without her, and I know most others that know her can't either.

"She will have an incredible testimony." I hear from some.

"Please..."  I whisper silently in a plea to God.

Let her have a testimony.  Let God heal her through a miracle, through a doctor's hands, through whatever will allow her to stay with us here.  We need her.  We love her.  I want to be able to tell of what God did in healing her.  Right now I can only tell of what God is doing through her illness, and I feel like a hypocrite.  It is hard to tell what God is doing when every day has at least one moment of me begging Him to keep her going, to keep me going.  I don't have that blind trust that I would hope I would have.  I doubt, and those doubts are bigger than me some days. I beg God for this time to allow us to grow closer to Him, but it often feels like the opposite is happening.  We are weary.  We feel like our pleas are ignored.  My husband and I struggle to be strong for each other because we feel so very weak all the time.

I wouldn't wish this on anyone.  I know I am not alone.  I know other parents are walking through a child that is severely ill.  I know other parents are fighting doctors for treatment and care.  I know other parents have their hearts in their throat at each downturn, each diagnosis.  I know other parents have the same frustration when tests come back with no new clues on what could help.  The term "inconclusive" feels like torture.  We want a concrete, viable diagnosis with clear treatment that won't require jumping from one doctor to another with each one passing the buck down the road and no one actually doing more than charging for their time.  I would love to meet these parents, because this path seems so lonely.

C.S. Lewis said after his wife passed away from cancer, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains:  It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."

One thing I know for certain is that life cannot be viewed through the same lens as it was in the past.  The pain of this time has definitely roused me from deafness.  I can see it in the faces of others that, because this situation keeps going on and on, they think there must be a reason, a cause.  Christians have empathy, but only for a certain amount of time.  They may feel badly for you, but it isn't their reality.  They are human, faced with their own day to day, not a part of the reality of someone else's normal.  It is discouraging to see the glazed look on their faces when they politely ask how things are and I tell them about the new tests that revealed nothing or that nothing has improved.  So, I have begun to not tell much.  I don't want to be a downer.  I have begun to withdraw. It isn't that I don't think others care.  It's just that it sounds so negative, even to my ears, to not be able to say that all is well. God knows.  He has heard the thousands of prayers.  A chronically sick woman where challenges extend not for weeks or months but for years doesn't fit into most people's lives.  It challenges their worldview, that they are exempt from such crisis because they are blessed by God.

I can tell you that I see blessing very different now.

Not long ago a person complained how they don't feel supported in a new venture.  It was a slam, subtle but vicious, and I cried when I read it.  I cried because, on the same day, I was trying to find someone that would take my sick daughter to an emergency appointment.  I was rearranging my schedule to help out my children so they could get to needed doctor appointments, while running a third daughter to her job. I had put aside my own responsibilities temporarily, to help, because that is what you do for those you love. I realized at that moment that people don't understand, that they can't understand unless they have been there. And while I was hurt, knowing the comment was aimed a bit at me, I also thanked God that this person didn't have to experience what no parent should endure.

I don't mean to sound angry.  Actually, I think this is a gift that people are shielded from many of the harshest realities around them. People can only understand from their level of perception.  And, thank God.  Thank God they aren't asking for prayers for their child's life.  Thank God they have the time to surround themselves with like-minded people that will encourage them and tell them they are awesome. Thank God they can be irritated at petty grievances, the traffic or the weather or the slow store clerk.  Thank God they have the luxury of complaining about their overbearing boss or how close-minded that person is on social media.  I will even go so far as to say thank God that people can be insecure or territorial or petty about things that have no bearing on life and death.  Because the alternative is unthinkable.  I am glad most aren't walking this path.  I am glad my loved ones aren't in this place.  I am glad that they can worry about daily issues like the cold their child has or getting to work on time or what to eat for dinner.  These are issues that I relish dealing with now because they are normal.  I am grateful that I am not watching some one else break down when their child has a tube shoved through their nose, causing them to bleed and gag and cry in pain, to pump out a stomach turned septic from undigested food.  I am grateful those of us that have endured that did so with strength we didn't know we had.  I am grateful that others can plan vacations and use their talents in giving to the world, for these are the blessings of God.  Yes, the things that seem so dire and urgent and important, the things that seem like a hassle and inconvenient, these are the blessings of God.

I sit with my daughter some evenings, laying around on the couch.  We watch TV.  We play Words with Friends with each other on our phones.  We send funny memes back and forth.  She doesn't feel well, so we don't do much.  Sometimes she snacks a little when she can.  She doesn't eat many big meals anymore.  She sleeps a lot, so she can have the energy to keep living her life... help with teenagers at church, spend time with a beautiful toddler, snuggle her dog.  I see these times as the most precious moments, gifts of peace in the chaos.  She may be in pain, but she only lets on when it becomes overwhelming.  She takes a pill to calm her anxiety.  She gives of herself, in whatever way she can, even though it costs her sometimes.  She will forgo sleep to have a few more minutes with those she loves.

Last year, in my social media memories, I saw where we would go walking in the mornings.  She can't do that now. She doesn't have the energy.  I loved those walks with her.  One day, perhaps, we can go walking again.  For today, I will be grateful she pushed herself to perform a human video for Easter.  For today, I will be grateful that she rides with me to church on a Wednesday evening, listening to music and singing worship songs with me.  For me, I will cherish the random text that arrived while I was studying, saying, "You're beautiful.  Just so you know."

I don't know what lessons God has in this time.  I don't know what He will do with all of this.  Right now it is difficult to see what could be when I am consumed with what is.  There have been surprises for us along the way.  There have been people that have reached out that I never expected.  There has also been a shift inside me, somehow, where I feel sacred moments, moments of living in the present and capturing them in my heart.

There have been people and situations where I have had to withdraw.  I have cut down on my own goals to focus on what is needed now.  I have forgone what I wanted for what was needed. And, I'm perfectly fine with doing so.  I have had to step back from responsibilities, from people, from situations and circumstances that are too much right now.  I have to be healthy, as much as I can, physically, mentally, and spiritually.  I can't give from an empty tank.  I can't walk out each day, with the ups and downs that are unique in this time, my heart already wrenched in two, and surround myself with responsibilities that demand too much of my energy and people that choose to see how I am failing them.  Not at this time.  Not when I am doing my best each day to cherish moments, not when I am living in fear of my prayers receiving an answer of "no."  I have overloaded myself in the past and was not good for those that needed me. I have let people speak negativity over me and my life and the lives of my children for too long and I won't waste time with those that seem to feel it is okay to do so.

In the times of barely hanging on, sometimes other things have great clarity.

I long to say, in one year, that I was overreacting.  I long to look at this as the past that was tough, but everything turned out okay.  I long to brag of the great miracle that occurred.  I have to reconcile what I long for with being content with God's will.  I have to find peace in the unfair.  I have to cherish the little blessings.  I have to write what was good, even in the midst of unbearable, or I will forget to see God is good.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Soul Care During Tough Times

I am the person that will put herself last when it comes to meeting the needs of those around me.  I have done it for a long time, and the result is usually I end up sick, unable to take care of anyone.  So, over the last few months, I have been determined to take more time for myself.  After all, I can't give to others if I am empty.

Taking care of yourself means different things to different people.  Some think it is about some pampering, with pedicures or spa days.  I think that is wonderful if you can afford to do so.  Some want to travel.  Some work out and drink more water.  Some gather a group of their friends and paint the town red.  All of these things are great if they are what fills you.

My personality is what is key to taking care of myself.  Different personalities fill up in different ways.  We find different things feed our souls.  For instance, I don't mind hanging out with friends, but large groups wear me out.  They drain me.  I can be in a group for awhile, but eventually I need to get away. For me, hanging out with one or two people, having conversations over coffee, is better.  And even then, it is not something that I feel the urge to do constantly.

Life can get stressful very quickly.  Tough times sometimes come, and though you tell yourself it is just a chapter of your book, the chapter seems to be long and exhausting.  Life sometimes happens in this way because it is a marathon, not a sprint.  The battles we face, the trials that we think might take us under, sometimes keep going for awhile... much longer than we ever dreamed possible.  The key is to take care of yourself in the midst of the tough times. 

For some, this is not a natural instinct.  Some personalities (all us empaths) naturally are attuned to meeting the needs of others around us first.  We will put off our needs to help those around us that we love.  Sometimes doing so even feeds us a little because we are serving, and serving is a priority for us.  Eventually, however, we can run dry and the weight of the world falls on our shoulders.  Slowly, I am learning to set boundaries for myself, to take care of me so that I can take care of others.

What works for me might not work for someone else.  Know yourself.  Know what feeds you.  The key for me was learning about my personality (INFP).  I learned about how God wired my brain.  I took the silly tests and read the books and articles, and discovered that it is okay if the ways I take care of my soul and meet my needs are different than what works for others.  What works for me might actually be more stressful to someone else. The reverse is also true.  What works for someone else might seem like torture to me.

Soul care... filling up so that I can give to those around me... this is vital, and never more than during tough times.  I want to put what works for me, but that isn't necessarily what works for everyone else.  I hope that what works for me doesn't inspire others to copy me, but to be inspired to look inward and discover what works for them.

How I feed my Soul:


I love quiet.  After years of a busy home with five daughters and their friends, I didn't think that quiet was something I would have.  My youngest daughter talks from the moment she wakes until she finally falls asleep. It is still sometimes rare, even though most of my children have grown, but I purposely seek to find it.  For years, even when I had those rare times of being alone, I always had noise happening.  I would switch on the radio or the television for the background noise.  Now, I enjoy not having background noise. I have found that quiet is peaceful.  I enjoy a cup of coffee with only the birds singing outside.  My mind stops running a hundred miles an hour when I find quiet time, and I am able to simply be.  It is in the quiet that I can talk to God.  It is in the quiet that I can push aside all the stress and trials and breathe.  It is here, in the quiet, that I can process the wild thoughts that tend to run chaotically through my brain.  It is here, in the quiet, that I can soften my soul and find some rest.


I am a reader.  That has been a fact since I was a young girl.  Reading gives my mind a place to go and something to do other than think about the stuff that is happening in life.  Let's be honest, one of the most difficult things in tough times is the battle in the mind.  Any other over-thinkers out there?  I have escaped from my mind by vegging in front of a tv and binge-watching Netflix.  Sometimes that helps, especially if my brain has been busy all day with college classes and needs a passive activity for awhile.  But reading isn't passive.  Reading fills my soul.  Each book that I dive into feels like a secret between me and the universe, a trick where I get to briefly live a different life. I get to experience things that are far removed from my life as it is currently.  Sometimes, I get to live a life that is far removed from most of our reality.  Anyone that has ventured through Narnia or hid in a wall with the Borrowers knows that there is something special about places or perspectives that are not our own.  Sometimes, during tough times, the best way to get through is to not focus on it quite so much.  There is only so much we can do, at times.  So much is out of our control.  For those of us that will drive ourselves crazy with overthinking, distracting our minds can be a great blessing.  And occasionally, God will lead us to books or a story that gives us encouragement during the tough time.


I process information by writing.  When I read an assignment for school, I am usually writing.  When I hear a sermon at church, I take notes.  When I want to remember something, I write it.  And when my thoughts are running wild and bouncing off the walls of my brain, writing sorts them out and processes them.  This is me.  I know that others aren't wired this way.  I have probably deleted a hundred blog posts.  I wrote them and processed what I was feeling while writing, and felt there was no need to post.  Sometimes my writing is a way to sort what is in my heart and mind.  When I am done, I often see that it isn’t what God would have me share with the world.  I journal, and journal, and journal.  Sometimes the speed of a keyboard is more expedient in the processing of my thoughts.  Sometimes, writing it all out longhand is best.  It all depends on my thoughts at the moment. 

My husband will decompress by playing music or diving into a project that usually involves working with his hands.   That is his personality.  One of my daughters will draw.  That is her way to decompress.  I have friends that will call up and chat for an hour as a way to decompress.  For me, if I want to make sense of my thoughts and my feelings, I must write. 

For a long time I didn't understand this about myself.  I would run into problems with my mouth because I would talk too much to the wrong people,  just trying to process the myriad of thoughts and feelings.  My jumbled thoughts and feelings would come out wrong, especially if I was upset.  I would cause more problems.  Most people couldn’t understand that I was just trying to process in a brain that moves very quickly through emotions I feel very deeply.  Of course, if I didn't understand, it makes sense that others wouldn't understand.  When I began writing more and with purpose, journaling and copying Scripture and blogging about more than homeschool goals, I began to understand this part of my personality.  I have to have an outlet, and the healthiest one for me is to write. 


This is where I lose people.  This seems an odd addition to the list about soul care. I am not normal.  I enjoy learning.  I enjoy studying.  I love to pursue my passions, diving in and learning everything I can about them.  I am in college part-time, and get a little disappointed in myself if I don't put all I have into each subject.  While college can be stressful, learning is not.  I find that my brain comes alive when I am excitedly pursuing something of interest.  I retain so much more when the topic is something that I feel a curiosity to learn.  I always assumed that I was strange, and many people have made me feel that I am definitely odd because I enjoy this.  However, I have come to see it differently.

God talks to me when I study.  Yes, He definitely speaks through His Word.  Studying the Bible is one of my favorite things to do.  But He also speaks to me when I study other things.  God doesn't classify some things as His and others as secular.  The world is His and all that is in it.  So, when I am studying about myths and legends in my Child's Literature class, I can see how the power of story can be used to paint Godly truths, such as what Jesus did when he taught using Parables.  When I am studying personality, whether Myers-Briggs or Enneagram, I can see how God gave such great variety to His people, and we are all still in the image of Him.  

Most people link "study" to school.  For me, it is just how I feed my mind.  I have a big imagination.  I can escape into my own world very quickly.  I believe in being authentic.  Learning about the world around me feeds the world inside me.  I am very much "in my head" most of the time. I read once that prayer is how we talk to God, study is how He talks to us. I have found this to be true not only in studying the Bible or theology, but in studying nearly anything.  It may seem odd to say that studying feeds my soul, but in a strange way, it does.  I get a sense of fulfillment when chasing down information.  


Of all the things that fill me, I have found I need time on my own most of all.  I have come to closely guard my alone time.  In part, alone time allows me to do all of the above.  I homeschool, so alone time is often in short supply.  When I have a chance to just be on my own for a bit, I jump at it.  Whether it is an hour at the library or time in the bath each evening, I strive to find time to be alone.  This is the personality of an introvert.  We need alone time to recharge.   When the weather is nice, I love to take long walks, just me and my headphones.  Sometimes I play an audiobook or a podcast. Occasionally, I just put them in my ears so others don't feel the urge to strike up a conversation, and I walk and walk.  It's wonderful.  I love going hiking with my husband.  We might talk, but often we are just enjoying time together, hiking and looking at the scenery.  In this way we can be alone together.  He's more introverted than me and this is one thing we both enjoy. 

 A Marathon, not a Sprint

Tough times don't have to mean that you can't take care of your soul.  In fact, during the tough times, it is probably more important to do so.  Yes, it is important to take care of your physical body.  Get some exercise, eat healthy, and get plenty of rest if at all possible.  Take care of your spirit by staying in touch with God.  Spend time with Him in prayer and in His Word.  Let Him flood you with His peace.  But remember to take care of your soul.  Find the ways that feed you and do them if you can.  Of course, there are times when that becomes a challenge.  Some weeks are more challenging, busier, more stressful than others.  In those weeks, you might only get to pray a quick prayer and hope you can take a shower alone.  You might not have the time, in some seasons of life, to take a long walk or dive into a good novel.  And if you feed your soul by spending time with a group, there may be times when that is impossible due to crazy schedules.  Just do your best. 

It seems as if the tough times in my life didn't end quickly.  Some do, but others linger, sometimes for years, and become a backdrop of life.  Health battles aren't often healed quickly.  Financial issues can take time to sort out.  Relationship problems sometimes need space and work.  Whatever the tough time, it is important to feed your soul during.  "Life is what happens when you are making other plans."  Sometimes, life is what happens when you are trying to get through whatever is in front of you.  One day the testimony may be there, and you can look back and see how God brought you through.  You can look back and see the little things; the moments with God, the book that brought a smile, the walk in the sunshine, the page of thoughts written haphazardly in a notebook, and know that life is about more than the tough times.  Our story, at the end of our lives, the chapters will tell a story far more complex than the tough times.  Our story will show how we endured during the trials, who we lifted up, and the inner life that showed our true hearts. We must remember, this life is not a sprint that only contains one hill to climb, it is a marathon with many hills.  We have to take care of ourselves along the way.

Lives or Livelihood is the Wrong Question

I have loved ones that are considered high risk.  Being infected with Covid-19 would place their lives in extreme peril.  The though...