Wednesday, January 10, 2018


At times, I procrastinate.  I know there are things I should be doing, but just get busy or lazy or weary.  Most of the time, I am really good about doing what needs to be done.  The bills are paid on time.  Schoolwork for both homeschooling and college gets completed in a timely fashion.  My home may get cluttered.  I may forget the laundry in the washer for a day or two and have to rewash the clothes.  For the most part, however, I don’t think I put off too much.


My health.  I was on a Ketogenic diet last year, and I was feeling good.  My energy level was high. My weight dropped a bit.  But then life happened.  The paycheck was low, and I struggled buying separate food just for me.  I already have to eat gluten-free.  Then college classes overwhelmed me.  I would cave more and more because I was stressed.  My daughter was in the ICU twice in two months, and I felt even more stress.  I am totally a stress eater. 

Spiritually, I felt the weight of the world.  I went through a very dark time.  For awhile, I just stopped caring about the food I consumed. I was so busy all the time that I stopped walking.  I even stopped taking my supplements and vitamins.  I still avoided gluten because I literally get sick when I eat it, but I gave up Keto.

My snacks of nuts and water became chips and diet soda.  The holidays offered many sweet treats, and I indulged greatly.  

The plan was to begin again in the New Year.  But money was tight after Christmas and, still on break from schoolwork, I just wanted to enjoy my time of rest.  I ignored the aching that I know is caused from elevated inflammation.  I ignored the slumps that hit in the afternoon. I was so tired I often felt I could take a nap.  Sometimes I did.  I ignored the hunger.  The last two weeks, I feel like I am hungry all the time!

I know that all of this comes from excess sugars in my body. I know that my body was keto-adapted, and then it disappeared with eating lots of sugary, carb-loaded foods.  Basically, I have felt sick and tired once again.  

Having two autoimmune diseases, inflammation and high sugars are a nasty combination over time.  I spent a long time last year studying the impact of sugar consumption on autoimmune diseases.  It isn't a lack of knowledge, it is simply a cycle of stress, busyness, and limited resources leading to frustration and then to apathy.  Even when I felt the inflammation levels rise, I procrastinated.

It is human nature to take the easiest path... even when that path is leading us down a road of sickness and more health problems.  After the nightmare of September through November, I knew my life was out of balance in a big way.  I made it through the semester in my college classes and then dropped to part-time.  I am diligently working to feel good again.  I am restarting my supplements and vitamins.  I am steadily working to lower my inflammation levels with diet and exercise.  I am spending a lot of time with the Lord, because I simply can't handle all the stresses of life without Him.

I doubt it will be smooth sailing.  I am trying to plan and set myself up for success, but it is something that is challenging.  I may have lowered my class load, but the rest of life is still there, and I still must deal.  I know that God doesn't want me sick and tired for my journey.  He has called me to be there for my loved ones, and I can't do that well if I am dealing with health issues all the time.

Time to quit procrastinating and get my health back!


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